세네카 컬리지
Seneca College
세네카 컬리지는 1967년도에 설립된 학교로 토론토 대표 컬리지 중 하나입니다. 다양한 프로그램을 제공하고 있어, 국제 학생들에게도 인기가 많습니다. 풀타임 학생이 30,000명 파트타임 학생이 60,000명이나 도는 큰 규모의 공립컬리지입니다. 또한, 세네카는 캠퍼스가 많고 특히 뉴햄캠퍼스는 아주 큰 규모를 자랑하고 있습니다!
Seneca는 14개의 학사 학위와 30개의 대학원 수료증을 포함하여 145개 이상의 풀타임 프로그램과 135개 이상의 파트타임 프로그램을 제공합니다.
많은 프로그램이 Co-op, 배치, 인턴십, 지역사회 봉사 옵션과 같은 체험 학습 기회를 제공하며 일부 프로그램에는 졸업 전 필수 Co-op 기간이 포함되어 있습니다. Seneca는 또한 졸업생들에게 진로 검색 지원을 제공합니다. Seneca Polytechnic 프로그램은 업계 구성원으로 구성된 자문 위원회의 도움을 받아 개발되고 최신 상태로 유지됩니다.
Newnham 캠퍼스가 세네카의 메인 캠퍼스입니다. 메인 캠퍼스인 만큼 규모가 굉장히 크며, 학업 시설이 잘되어있습니다. 또한, 토론토/욕 지역 캠퍼스 간 셔틀버스도 운행되고있어서, 캠퍼스 이동이 편리합니다. 세네카의 특별한 점은 바로 국제학생들만으로 위함 캠퍼스가 오픈되어있다는 점인데요! SIA 캠퍼스는 2020년 9월학기부터 오픈한 국제학생들만을 위한 캠퍼스입니다. 아무래도 국제 학생들만 모여있다보니, 국제학생들에게 필요한 부분들을 좀 세심히 챙김받을 수 있다는 것이 큰 장점입니다. 하지만 나는 캐네디언 학생들과 같이 수업을 받고싶다! 라는 분들은 일반 지원시 SIA 캠퍼스가 아닌 다른 캠퍼스로 선택하여 지원하시면 됩니다.
학교 형태 | 공립 컬리지 |
홈페이지 | |
동반자녀 무상교육 | 부모 중 한분이 컬리지에서 재학시 동반자녀들 모두 토론토 교육청, 토론토 카톨릭 교육청, 욕교육청, 욕 카톨릭교육청 소속 공립학교에서 무상교육 가능 |
연간 학비 | |
입학요건 | -고졸이상, 최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서 -전공에 따라 에세이, 포트폴리오, 오디션, 입학시험 요구. -영어점수 ① 공인영어점수( IELTS Academic,TOEFL iBT) ② 대학 자체 시험 ③ 어학연수를 통해 조건부 입학 |
입학시기 | 매년 가을학기(9월), 겨울학기(1월), 봄학기(5월), 전공별 입학 시기가 다름 |
숙소 옵션 | 홈스테이, 기숙사 |
*2024 Updated
학교 기본 정보
3D Animation
911 and Emergency Services Communications Academic Upgrading
Accident and Sickness Exam Preparatory Course
Accounting Techniques
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Payroll
Acting for Camera and Voice
Advanced Accounting and Finance
Advanced Investigations and Enforcement
Airline Pilot Flight Operations
Art Fundamentals
Arts and Science - University Transfer
Aviation Operations
Aviation Safety
Behavioural Sciences
Biotechnology - Advanced
Brand Management
Broadcasting - Radio
Broadcasting - Radio (For Applicants Currently Attending York University) Broadcasting - Television
Broadcasting - Television (For Applicants Currently Attending York University) Building Systems Engineering Technician
Business - Insurance
Business - International Business
Business - Marketing
Business Administration - Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Business Administration - Financial Planning
Business Administration - Human Resources
Business Administration - International Business
Business Administration - Management
Business Administration - Marketing
Business Administration - Purchasing and Supply Management
Business Analytics
CFP Core Curriculum Education Program
Cannabis Regulation and Quality Assurance
Chemical Engineering Technology
Chemical Laboratory Technician
Chemical Laboratory Technology - Pharmaceutical
Child Development Practitioner
Child Development Practitioner (Pre-Apprenticeship)
Child and Youth Care
Chronic Disease Management
Civil Engineering Technician
Civil Engineering Technology
Civil Engineering Technology (For Applicants Currently Attending York University)
Clinical Research
College Opportunities
Commercial Pilot
Computer Engineering Technology
Computer Networking and Technical Support
Computer Programmer
Computer Programming and Analysis
Computer Systems Technology
Coronary Care Nursing
Cosmetic Science
Cosmetic Techniques and Management
Creative Advertising
Creative Advertising (For Applicants Currently Attending York University)
Cybersecurity and Threat Management
Database Application Developer
Documentary Filmmaking Institute
Documentary and Non-Fiction Media Production
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education (Accelerated)
Electromechanical Engineering Technology - Automation
Electronics Engineering Technician
Electronics Engineering Technology
Environmental Landscape Management
Environmental Technician
Environmental Technology
Environmental Technology (For Applicants Currently Attending York University)
Esthetics and Spa Therapies
Event Management - Event and Exhibit Design
Event Marketing - Sports, Entertainment, Arts
Event and Media Production
Fashion Arts
Fashion Business
Fashion Business Management
Fashion Studies
Financial Crime Analysis
Financial Crimes Prevention & Mitigation
Financial Planning
Financial Services - Client Services
Financial Services Compliance Administration
Financial Technology
Fire Protection Engineering Technician
Fire Protection Engineering Technology
Firefighter, Pre-Service Education and Training
Fitness and Health Promotion
Flight Services
Flight Services: Operations and Cabin Management Floral Design
Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting
Game Art and Animation
General Arts - English for Academic Purposes
General Arts - One Year Certificate
Global Hospitality Business Development
Global Hospitality Operations Management
Government Relations Graphic Design
Harmonized Life Licence Qualification Program
Honours Bachelor of Aviation Technology
Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology
Honours Bachelor of Child Development
Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Business Management
Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Business Technology Management Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Financial Services Management Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Human Resources Management Honours Bachelor of Commerce - International Accounting and Finance Honours Bachelor of Commerce - International Business Management Honours Bachelor of Commerce - Marketing
Honours Bachelor of Community Mental Health
Honours Bachelor of Crime and Intelligence Analysis
Honours Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics
Honours Bachelor of Healthcare Management Honours Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Honours Bachelor of Technology - Informatics and Security Honours Bachelor of Technology - Software Development
Honours Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation
Hospitality - Hotel and Restaurant Services Management Hospitality Foundations
Human Resources Management
Independent Illustration
Independent Music Production
Independent Songwriting and Performance
Infant and Early Child Mental Health
Interactive Media Design
International Business Management
International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Diver Medic - Full Course International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Diver Medic - Refresher
International Transportation and Customs
Journalism (For Applicants Currently Attending York University)
Justice Administration Services
Justice Administration Services (Articulated)
Law Clerk
Law Clerk (Accelerated)
Liberal Arts University Transfer
Library and Information Technician
Library and Information Technician (Accelerated)
Marketing Management
Mechanical Engineering Technician (Tool Design)
Mechanical Engineering Technology - Building Sciences
Mechanical Engineering Technology - Industrial Design
Mechanical Technician - CNC Programming
Mechanical Techniques (Tool and Die/Mould Making) Mental Health Intervention
Non-Profit and Social Sector Management
Nursing (Collaborative with York University)
Nursing (Collaborative with York University) Nursing Leadership & Management
Office Administration - Executive
Office Administration - Health Services
Office Administration - Legal
Paralegal (Accelerated)
Personal Support Worker
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Quality Operations
Police Foundations
Practical Nursing
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Professional Accountancy
Professional Accounting Practice
Project Management - Environmental
Project Management - Information Technology
Public Administration
Public Relations - Corporate Communications
Real Property Administration (Assessment and Appraisal)
Real Property Administration (Assessment and Appraisal) (Accelerated)
Recreation and Leisure Services
Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP) and Marine Emergency Duties (MED) A3 Social Media
Social Service Worker
Social Service Worker (Accelerated)
Social Service Worker - Gerontology
Social Service Worker - Immigrants and Refugees
Social Service Worker - Immigrants and Refugees (Accelerated)
Strategic Marketing and Marketing Analytics
Summer Institute of Multiplatform Journalism
Supply Chain Management - Global Logistics
Sustainable Business Management
Technical Communication
Tourism - Services Management - Global Tourism Business Specialization
Tourism - Services Management - Travel Services Specialization
Tourism - Travel Operations
Underwater Skills
Underwater Welding
Veterinary Assistant
Veterinary Technician
Visual Effects for Film and Television
Visual Merchandising Arts
Workplace Safety and Prevention