Humber College
캐나다 토론토에 위치한 험버컬리지는 1967년에 설립된 공립컬리지로 큰 규모와 수준 높은 교육으로 국제학생은 물론 현지 학생들에게도 많은 선택을 받고 있는 컬리지입니다.
토론토 다운타운에서는 30-40분정도 떨어진 곳에 위치하고 있습니다. 약 27,000명 이상의 풀타임 학생과 파트타임으로 공부하는 학생들까지 하면 약 80,000명의 학생들이 험버에서 공부하고있습니다.
험버컬리지는 약 200개 이상의 프로그램을 운영하고 있으며, 2년제 디플로마 과정부터 멀티 프로그램, 준석사, 4년제 디그리 과정까지 다양한 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다.
또한, 90% 이상의 프로그램들이 실습 위주로 커리큘럼이 짜여있습니다.
Co-op이 있는 프로그램의 경우 필드에 나가 경험을 쌓을 수 있으며, 졸업 후 취업에도 많은 도움을 받을 수 있습니다.
학교 형태 | 공립 컬리지 |
홈페이지 | |
동반자녀 무상교육 | 부모 중 한분이 컬리지에서 재학시 동반자녀들 모두 토론토 교육청, 토론토 카톨릭 교육청 소속 공립학교에서 무상교육 가능 |
연간 학비 | 입학신청비: 무료 수업료: $13,356.80 ( 1, 2학기) 의료보험 및 기타비용은 별도 |
입학요건 | -고졸이상, 최종학력 성적증명서, 졸업증명서 -전공에 따라 에세이, 포트폴리오, 오디션, 입학시험 요구. -영어점수 ① 공인영어점수( IELTS Academic,TOEFL iBT) ② 대학 자체 시험 ③ 어학연수를 통해 조건부 입학 |
입학시기 | 매년 가을학기(9월), 겨울학기(1월), 봄학기(5월), 전공별 입학 시기가 다름 |
숙소 옵션 | 홈스테이, 기숙사 |
*2024 Updated
학교 기본 정보
Accounting, Bachelor of Commerce 22211 Honours Degree Lakeshore Accounting, Business 02211 Diploma North
Accounting, Business Administration 02111 Advanced Diploma North
Addictions and Mental Health MH511 Ontario Graduate Certificate Lakeshore Alternative Dispute Resolution 15061 Ontario Graduate Certificate Lakeshore Architectural Technology 03371 Advanced Diploma North
Baking and Pastry Arts Management 14161 Diploma North Business Administration 02511 Advanced Diploma North
Business Administration 02511 Advanced Diploma Lakeshore
Business Administration (Co-op) 20091 Advanced Diploma Lakeshore
Business Management 02251 Diploma Lakeshore
Business Management 02251 Diploma North
Cabinet Making 30991 Certificate North
Carpentry and Renovation Technician CR211 Diploma North
Child and Youth Care CY311 Advanced Diploma Lakeshore Community and Justice Services 11171 Diploma Lakeshore
Computer and Network Support Technician 20421 Diploma North
Computer Engineering Technology 03501 Advanced Diploma North
Cosmetic Management 21781 Diploma North
Creative Writing - Comic Scriptwriting 12232 Ontario Graduate Certificate Online
Creative Writing - Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Poetry 12231 Ontario Graduate Certificate Online Culinary Management 01911 Diploma North
Culinary Skills 14071 Ontario College Certificate North
Design Foundation 09151 Ontario College Certificate North
Digital Business Management, Bachelor of Commerce DB411 Honours Degree Lakeshore
Early Childhood Education 07911 Diploma North
Electrical Engineering Technician - Control Systems 30111 Diploma North
Electrical Engineering Technology - Control Systems 30101 Advanced Diploma North
Electrical Techniques 04021 Ontario College Certificate North
Electronics Engineering Technician 03531 Diploma North
Electronics Engineering Technology 03511 Advanced Diploma North
Emergency Telecommunications 07631 Ontario College Certificate North
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 09371 Ontario College Certificate Lakeshore Esthetician/Spa Management 20871 Diploma North
Fashion Arts and Business FA211 Diploma North
Fashion Management, Bachelor of Commerce 22101 Honours Degree Lakeshore
Finance, Bachelor of Commerce 22271 Honours Degree Lakeshore
Financial Services, Business Management 20061 Diploma Lakeshore
Fitness and Health Promotion 10331 Diploma North
General Arts and Science - College Transfer 09181 Ontario College Certificate North
General Arts and Science - College Transfer 09181 Ontario College Certificate Lakeshore
General Arts and Science - University Transfer (Certificate) 09191 Ontario College Certificate North
General Arts and Science - University Transfer (Certificate) 09191 Ontario College Certificate Lakeshore
General Arts and Science - University Transfer (Diploma) 09111 Diploma Lakeshore General Arts and Science - University Transfer (Diploma) 09111 Diploma North Global Business Management 20841 Ontario Graduate Certificate Lakeshore Healthcare Management, Bachelor of Commerce HM411
Honours Degree Lakeshore Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician 03271 Diploma North
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology 03601 Advanced Diploma North Hospitality - Hotel and Restaurant Operations Management HH211 Diploma North
Hospitality and Tourism Management, Bachelor of Commerce 22081 Honours Degree Lakeshore Hotel and Restaurant Services HR111 Certificate Online
Human Resources Management 02541 Ontario Graduate Certificate Lakeshore
Human Resources Management, Bachelor of Commerce 22111 Honours Degree Lakeshore Industrial Woodworking Technician 30891 Diploma North
Information Technology Solutions IT511 Ontario Graduate Certificate North
Interior Decorating 31511 Diploma North
International Business, Bachelor of Commerce 22121 Honours Degree Lakeshore Law Clerk 02031 Diploma North
Management Studies, Bachelor of Commerce 22291 Honours Degree Lakeshore
Marketing Management 02241 Ontario Graduate Certificate Lakeshore
Marketing, Bachelor of Commerce 22281 Honours Degree Lakeshore
Marketing, Business 02411 Diploma North
Massage Therapy 14201 Advanced Diploma North
Mechanical Techniques - Millwright 04991 Ontario College Certificate North
Paralegal Education 21501 Diploma North
Plumbing Techniques 03991 Ontario College Certificate North
Police Foundations 11071 Diploma Lakeshore
Project Management 31521 Ontario Graduate Certificate North
Protection, Security and Investigation 24201 Diploma Lakeshore
Public Relations (Postgraduate) 04561 Ontario Graduate Certificate Lakeshore
Research Analyst 15021 Ontario Graduate Certificate Lakeshore
Supply Chain Management 10151 Ontario Graduate Certificate North
Supply Chain Management, Bachelor of Commerce 22261 Honours Degree Lakeshore
Tourism - Travel Services Management TT211 Diploma North
Urban Arboriculture - Tree Care 01991 Ontario College Certificate North
Welding Techniques WT111 Ontario College Certificate North
Wellness Coaching WC511 Ontario Graduate Certificate North
Wireless Telecommunications 20331 Ontario Graduate Certificate North